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Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
900 15th Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20005


If any event exemplifies the perverse essence of the Castro brothers’ gangster regime, the sinking of the “13 de Marzo” tugboat in July 1994 would undoubtedly be one of the most infamous, despite the long list of crimes committed by Cuba’s communist dictatorship.

July 11th, 2021, will be remembered as a pivotal day in the fight against Communism. On this day, thousands of Cubans took to the streets in an unprecedented demonstration that echoed across nearly every corner of the island. With speakers blaring the song “Patria y Vida” (“Homeland and Life”)—a direct challenge to the Cuban regime’s motto, “Homeland or Death”—many Cubans demonstrated for the first time in their lives.

As NATO leaders convene in my hometown of Washington, D.C. this month amid war in Europe, I find myself reflecting on the Alliance’s profound personal impact. Although Washington is now my home, I was born in Soviet-controlled Ukraine, a Captive Nation under the Iron Curtain.

Through VOC’s Online Bookstore, read about the history and the crimes of communism from VOC’s experts, staff, academic council members, and witnesses. Bolster your knowledge of communism’s destructive past and present with supplementary material from VOC’s curriculum.

Since the Chinese People’s Liberation Army marched into East Turkistan, now named the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, in 1949 and occupied the land, Uyghurs have lived in constant fear and oppression, with their calendars marked by continual tragedy. The Urumchi… Read More

VOC’s President and CEO Dr. Eric Patterson writes for Fox News on marking World Refugee Day and remembering the victims of authoritarian regimes that have been forced to flee their homes throughout history.

VOC’s President and CEO, Dr. Eric Patterson, writes for Providence Magazine on the importance of celebrating Flag Day and simultaneously remembering those around the world who are not free.

Hernán Alberro, Program Manager for VOC’s Latin American Studies Program, writes on the Cuban and Russian alliance and the danger of a new Cuban missile crisis.

In this podcast with the Thales Academy, Ken Pope, Vice President for Academic Operations and Strategic Partnerships, addresses the deadly history of communism. This conversation is a companion to Mr. Pope’s lecture to Thales Academy students, viewable below.

Remembering an outbreak of freedom in Europe and a crackdown in China 35 years ago “It was the best of times. It was the worst of times.” Charles Dickens famous words could be applied to the massive developments that rocked… Read More