
The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation’s Latin America Studies and Programs Center promotes individual freedom, respect for human rights, and democracy throughout Latin America, but especially Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua. Our researchers document human rights abuses, support in-region civil society and pro-democracy groups, and educate the American public and U.S. policy makers about the realities on the ground.


The Castro regime has developed sophisticated human trafficking and forced labor schemes to exploit the Cuban people, with emphasis on health personnel. The Cuban regime, in collusion with international communist allies, sends Communist Medical Brigades overseas to sell health care services for propaganda purposes. Communist commissaries and secret police agents oversee the Communist Medical Brigades’ workers and regularly confiscate between 75% and 90% of their wages. VOC’s Latin America Programs advocate for the rights of these workers, conducting research on Trafficking in Medical Personnel (TIMP) and providing legal assistance to these victims of communism.


Democracy is once again on the ballot in Venezuela, but will the people’s voice be heard? A new report from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, Transparency Electoral, and Mi Voto Cuenta, examines Venezuela 2024 Elections: Competing Under Autocratic Conditions.

The 2024 Venezuelan Elections approach, and the world remains vigilant as preparations are made for Election Day when millions will cast their vote. A new report from Transparencia Electoral and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation entitled Presidential Elections in…

Democracy is once again on the ballot in Venezuela, but will the people’s voice be heard? A new report from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, Transparency Electoral, and Mi Voto Cuenta, examines Venezuela 2024 Elections: Competing Under Autocratic Conditions.

Democracy is once again on the ballot in Venezuela, but will the people’s voice be heard? A new report from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, Transparency Electoral, and Mi Voto Cuenta, examines Venezuela 2024 Elections: Competing Under Autocratic Conditions….

Hernán Alberro, Program Manager for VOC’s Latin American Studies Program, writes on the Cuban and Russian alliance and the danger of a new Cuban missile crisis.

This project aims to raise awareness of Cuban political prisoners by combining art, technology, and human rights.

In October 2023, a dozen Latin American countries gathered in Mexico to address the ongoing migration crisis in the Western Hemisphere. They concluded that much of the blame should be placed on Washington’s Cuban and Venezuelan sanctions.

Ana Leca, Program Officer for Latin America Programs at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, writes for Fox News about President Nicolás Maduro’s latest crackdown on free speech in Venezuela.

On July 11, 2021, nationwide protests across Cuba marked a before and after point in the island’s history. Tragically, the free world failed to support the Cuban people against the regime’s onslaught. John Suarez argues that it may not be too late to do the right thing.

Ken Pope, VOC’s CEO, and Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar, representing Florida’s 27th District, argue that Congress should act on the growing communist threat in America’s backyard. Read their joint op-ed published by Fox News below: “The Cuban regime has allegedly…