Walking Away from the CCP

Every November, the free world recognizes Victims of Communism Day, remembering the dreadful consequences that followed the Bolshevik takeover of Russia on November 17, 1917. Communism’s grisly crimes are vast and well-documented, and there is no single country with more victims of communism, past and present, than Communist China.
Today, we focus our commemoration, and our hopes, on the bravery of those who expose the falsehoods and brutality of communism in China, and, in particular, those who have publicly renounced the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
The Tuidang Movement is inspired by the truth-telling of the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party” published by The Epoch Times. Those powerful essays detail the evil of communism in China.
We at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation have tried to do our part in exposing such crimes including recent reports the China’s onslaught against the Uyghurs, which the U.S. government has determined to be a genocide, the complicity of Western companies in the CCP’s brutal system of Uygur forced labor, as well as Beijing’s horrific forced organ harvesting targeting Falun Gong practitioners.
The Commentaries call for the Chinese people to “purge” the poison of communism “from their spirits, extract their minds from its evil content, [and] free themselves from the shackles of terror.”
Millions of individual men and women have done so.
We salute their courage to no longer live by lies. They set an example for all of us to take a moral stand for truth, reality, justice, and freedom. The day will come when their conviction of a free China will come to pass, when the CCP is relegated to the ash bin of history.