EV makers’ use of Chinese suppliers raises concerns about forced labor

The Washington Post’s Evan Halper spoke with VOC’s Dr. Adrian Zenz on Uyghur-made products infiltrating global supply chains. Dr. Zenz notes:

“As international condemnation and investor concern mount over Uyghur-made products infiltrating global supply chains, Chinese companies have become more selective about the information they share revealing participation in the mass transfer of ‘surplus’ Uyghur labor, according to Adrian Zenz, a scholar who has compiled some of the most vivid evidence of what the U.S. government calls genocide. Photos of indoctrination ceremonies and military-style training on social media have given way to reports of job fairs and employee success stories.

Zenz this year presented research before Congress finding that while many of the reeducation centers have closed, the repression is taking other forms — including outright imprisonment, stepped-up surveillance and restriction of movement — as ‘intrusive and coercive labor placement and retention mechanisms are being intensified rather than dismantled.’ The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, part of the federal government, found the same this year. China has meanwhile prohibited investigators from accessing the region and threatens harsh penalties for anyone who helps companies operating in China investigate their exposure to forced labor.”

Read the full article from The Washington Post here.

Dr. Adrian Zenz is Senior Fellow and Director in China Studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation