Venezuelan Opposition Details Maduro’s Election Fraud  

On Tuesday, October 15 at the Organization of American States, the presidential campaign of Edmundo González presented a new report detailing the resounding victory of the Venezuelan people in the face of electoral fraud. Joined by David Smolansky, VOC Senior Fellow and the Deputy Director of the ConVzla presidential campaign office in Washington, D.C., and Gustavo Silva, also of Comando Con Vzla, the discussion focused on the latest evidence of the Maduro regime’s attempts to silence democracy.

As Silva outlined, “Today, with 83.5% of the votes totaled, we can say unequivocally that González was elected with at least 7,303,480, or 67% of the votes in favor, more than double the 30% obtained by Nicolás Maduro. And this, despite the fact that 4.5 million Venezuelans in our diaspora were denied their right to vote and that there are still votes to be processed.” He continued, arguing that we must not “allow lies to triumph over truth. Do not deprive our struggle, which is the struggle of all democrats in America, of meaning. Let us rather honor the American spirit, which has always defended the republican ideal with its life.”

Read the full report here, in Spanish.