Suzanne K. Scholte, Ph.D.
Dr. Suzanne K. Scholte is considered one of the world’s leading activists in the North Korea human rights movement having worked for over 18 years to promote the freedom, human rights, and dignity of the North Korean people. Scholte began a program in 1996, to host the first North Korean defectors in the United States to speak out about the atrocities being committed against the people of North Korea including the political prison camps and the horrific treatment of refugees. She has led international efforts to pressure China to end their horrific repatriation policy and has been involved in the rescue of hundreds of North Koreans escaping from North Korea. Currently, she serves as President of the Defense Forum Foundation; Chairman, North Korea Freedom Coalition; Vice-Chairman of the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea; and Honorary Chairman of Free North Korea Radio. Scholte is a graduate of the College of William and Mary and received an Honorary Doctorate in education from Koshin University.