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Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation
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Washington, D.C. 20005


The 2024 Venezuelan Elections approach, and the world remains vigilant as preparations are made for Election Day when millions will cast their vote. A new report from Transparencia Electoral and the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation entitled Presidential Elections in… Read More

Democracy is once again on the ballot in Venezuela, but will the people’s voice be heard? A new report from the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, Transparency Electoral, and Mi Voto Cuenta, examines Venezuela 2024 Elections: Competing Under Autocratic Conditions…. Read More

The UN’s International Labor Organization has adopted nearly all of the recommendations detailed in a research paper from VOC, in a major update to its forced labor guidelines not seen in over a decade.

  New research by Dr. Adrian Zenz, Senior Fellow and Director in China Studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC), shows in greater detail than before how Xinjiang’s mass internment campaign was masterminded and directed by the central Chinese… Read More

In a new report from VOC’s China Studies Center, Dr. Adrian Zenz dissects the PRC’s forced labor policies in Xinjiang and Tibet and provides suggestions for the US government to better monitor and analyze Beijing’s human rights violations. As the… Read More

In a groundbreaking report, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation partnered with Prisoners Defenders and the Czech Transition Promotion Program to expose the Cuban regime’s brutal system of torture targeting democracy activists and political prisoners. The report, Torture in Cuba, is… Read More

The Journal of Communist and Post-Communist Studies, an international, peer-reviewed scholarly publication, has released a groundbreaking report by VOC’s lead China expert, Dr. Adrian Zenz. The paper, Coercive Labor in the Cotton Harvest in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Uzbekistan: A Comparative Conceptual Analysis of State-Sponsored Forced… Read More

Who was John Paul II? John Paul II is greatly remembered for his spiritual and political role in the collapse of communism in Central and Eastern Europe. The impact that his words and courage brought to Poland during his 1979… Read More

Unemployment Monitoring and Early Warning: New Trends in Xinjiang’s Coercive Labor Placement Systems Early warning brief published with The Jamestown Foundation Summary Dr. Adrian Zenz is one of the world’s leading scholars on People’s Republic of China (PRC) government policies… Read More

Executive Summary The monograph Witold Pilecki – The Unsung Hero of Polish WWII Intelligence discusses the heroic life and achievements of a formidable Polish intelligence operator, Captain Witold Pilecki. He was the man who volunteered for Auschwitz to gather intelligence… Read More