Launch of New Transatlantic Forum for Human Rights

On May 18, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC) co-hosted a forum on Capitol Hill with the Vaclav Havel Program for Human Rights and Diplomacy organization to discuss democracy and human rights in Cuba and Venezuela.
The meeting, “A Transatlantic Forum for Freedom in Cuba and Venezuela,” brought freedom advocacy leaders from both countries together with regional experts and representatives from the US and EU governments to chart a path forward for freedom in the Western Hemisphere.
Participants included pro-democracy leaders — 11 from Cuba and 5 from Venezuela — 11 staffers involved in U.S. and EU lawmaking, and 8 representatives of democracy and human rights organizations.
The conversation was so productive that all the leaders agreed to join us in a new regular event series to be hosted by VOC called “A Transatlantic Forum for Human Rights”.
The next conference is scheduled to be held in Brussels on October 16, 2018.