Honoring Otto Warmbier, Victim of Communism

The North Korean regime is one of the world’s most brutal communist dictatorships, starving its people, constantly threatening nuclear war, and again murdering an American citizen.
This June, Otto Warmbier was sent home in a coma after suffering 17 months of imprisonment in North Korea for allegedly stealing a propaganda poster. He died on June 19 as a result of torture-induced injuries.
The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC) honored Otto by educating Americans about North Korea’s barbaric communist regime and calling out those who defend Kim Jong-un.
VOC Executive Director Marion Smith appeared on Fox News‘ Tucker Carlson Tonight on June 20 to discuss the tragedy. Reaching approximately three million viewers, he explained, “Unfortunately, what has happened to Otto Warmbier is how they treat their own citizens. It is a cruel regime, and you can say, in fact, that all 25 million citizens live in a slave camp.”
With America’s attention on North Korea, VOC highlighted the outrageous praise of that regime by former NBA star Dennis Rodman, who considers Kim Jong-un a “friend for life” and has made multiple trips to North Korea on the basis of “basketball diplomacy.” He continued his one-man PR campaign even as Otto Warmbier fought for his life.
We launched petitions on Change.org and StandUnited.com to remove Rodman from the Basketball Hall of Fame. Over 9,000 people added their names in support.
Our petition was also written up in dozens of media outlets, including USA Today, CNN, TMZ, Maxim Magazine, and The Washington Post.
On the day of Otto’s funeral, June 22, we sent flowers to his family and laid a wreath in his honor at our Memorial. We stand firm in our commitment to honor every victim of communism. It is with great sorrow that we added Otto’s name to that list.