17th Annual Roll Call of Nations

On June 14th, representatives from 15 embassies, 3 delegations, and 40 ethnic and human rights organizations gathered together with leaders of the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation for the 17th Annual Roll Call of Nations Wreath Laying Ceremony & Dissident Human Rights Award Presentation at the Victims of Communism Memorial on Capitol Hill.

This year, VOC was proud to present the Dissident Human Rights Award to Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett, President of the Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice, established in 2008 to continue the legacy of her father, the late Congressman Tom Lantos, who served as Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and was the only Holocaust survivor ever elected to the US Congress.

During her acceptance speech, Dr. Lantos Swett reflected: “…from the genocide of the Uyghurs to the brutal suppression of Tibet, the persecution of Falun Gong and the Christian House Church movement, the open and credible and really looming threats against Taiwan which threaten to bring the whole word to the brink of war, all of these examples remind us of a very important lesson that I hope we do not forget: namely that the nature and the danger of communism remains unchanged and the need for vigilance and for moral courage remains urgent.”

Under the leadership of Dr. Lantos Swett, the Lantos Foundation has become a distinguished and respected voice on key human rights concerns ranging from advancing rule of law and freedom of religion and belief globally, to fighting for Internet freedom in closed societies, to combating the persistent and growing threat of antisemitism and Holocaust denial. The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation was pleased to bestow upon Dr. Lantos Swett the prestigious Dissident Human Rights Award in recognition of her exceptional courage and advocacy.

This year, 15 embassies, 3 delegations, and 40 ethnic and human rights organizations participated in the Roll Call of Nations Wreath Laying Ceremony:


Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria

Embassy of Canada

Embassy of the Republic of Croatia

Embassy of the Republic of Estonia

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany

Embassy of the Republic of Hungary

Embassy of the Republic of Korea

Embassy of the Republic of Latvia

Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania

Embassy of the Republic of Moldova

Embassy of the Republic of Poland

Embassy of Romania

Embassy of the Slovak Republic

Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia

Embassy of Ukraine

Delegation of the European Union to the United States

Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States

The Office of Tibet

Albanian American Council

America for Bulgaria Foundation

American Hungarian Federation

American Latvian Association & World Federation of Free Latvians

Belarusian American Association

Campaign for Uyghurs

Center for a Free Cuba

Center for Liberty and Reunification

ChinaAid Association

Citizens Coalition for the Human Rights of North Korean Refugees

Citizen Power Initiatives for China

Committee for Human Rights in North Korea

Cuba Decide, Oswaldo Payá, and all Cuban Victims of Communism

Fighters for Free North Korea

Florida International University

Formosan Association for Public Affairs

Free Korea Association (FKA)

Friends of the Imperial City of Hue

Greek Victims of Communism

Hungarian American Coalition

International Campaign for Tibet

Korea-U.S. Alliance Foundation USA

Kuen Saem (Send Rice & Info Directly to the NK People Project)

Lao Coalition for Peace and Democracy

North Korea Freedom Coalition & Free North Korea Radio

North Korean Human Rights Alliance in USA

One Korea Network

Sofia Platform

Thang Long Vietnamese Language School, Viet Toon, and Viet American

The Albanian Community, Catholic Diocese of Arlington, Virginia in memory of the 38 Blessed Albanian Martyrs, who died during communism because of their faith

The Lantos Foundation for Human Rights and Justice

The Natasha Foundation

The Women’s Organization “Hope & Peace”

U.S.-Ukraine Foundation

Union of Cuban Former Political Prisoners

United Help Ukraine

United Macedonian Diaspora

Uyghur Human Rights Project

Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation

Women’s Rights Without Frontiers

World Uyghur Congress

Watch the full recording of the ceremony below: