Capitol Hill Briefing: The Socialist Crisis in Venezuela

The socialist policies of dictator Hugo Chávez — and his successor-tyrant, Nicolás Maduro — have caused a horrific humanitarian crisis in Venezuela. Inflation is set to hit 1,000,000%, long-dormant diseases like malaria have surged, and food is so scarce the average Venezuelan has lost 24 pounds. The dictator Maduro has essentially dissolved the legitimately elected National Assembly and is responsible for the murder of over 150 peaceful protestors.
On March 9, 2018, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC) convened a panel of experts on Capitol Hill to discuss this growing crisis and steps the United States can take to restore democracy and protect human rights in Venezuela. Venezuelan dissident and accomplished musician Wuilly Arteaga opened the talk with a violin performance and spoke stirringly about the prospect for freedom in his country.
Among the distinguished panelists were Juan Gonzalez, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs; Dr. Robert Kahn, adjunct professor at American University; and VOC Executive Director Marion Smith, who held an intense discussion on the dire situation on the ground and how state sanctions might be applied to pressure the Maduro regime to reverse its bloody course.