VOC Museum Opens Temporary Gallery on Venezuela

The newest exhibit at the VOC Museum, Venezuela: The Deadly Toll of Socialism exposes the recent atrocities committed by the Chavista regime in Venezuela. Bear witness to the moving portraits of families that have lost their loved ones at the hands of Nicolás Maduro’s security forces and the gripping illustrations of Venezuelan artist CamdelaFu, inspired by cases of injustice, extrajudicial assassinations, torture, and fraud committed by the dictatorship. The exhibit also features an immersive virtual reality experience that highlights the horrific conditions of Venezuela’s most notorious political prison, El Helicoide.

The opening event of the exhibit featured a musical performance by Venezuelan violinist Dr. Marjory Serrano and an expert discussion on The Venezuelan Crisis: Electoral Corruption and State Terrorism with VOC Senior Fellow David SmolanskyGénesis Dávila of Defiende Venezuela, Rodrigo Diamanti of Un Mundo Sin Mordaza, and Dr. Evan Ellis, CSIS Senior Associate and research professor at the U.S. Army War College Strategic Studies Institute. The panelists explored Venezuela’s ongoing fight for freedom and the global responses to Maduro’s oppression.

Explore the gallery — reserve your tickets to the VOC Museum today.